Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tournament - Day 2

Match 3 (Super Kings v/s Altimate Viking)
In an amusing seesaw match, AV beat SK 6-3, 3-6,6-0 (damn if the score is wrong!!). It was SKs strategies against sheer basics from AV. From playing single side (even during services), zig-zag shuffling, shouting vigorously, SK tried everything from their trick-book to distract AV. Cant say that failed completely, for having lost first set & trailing 0-3, SK made a stunning comeback to take second set 6-3. But not long could tricks hold on & wits had the last laugh of the day.

"Chalo.. Teek hai" is all what Saravana, the captian of losing side had to say.
"I am happy to get my dinner tonight atleast.." Ameya, AV captain said in relief :)

Thats all folks.. "Chalo Teek hai.. "


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