Monday, May 24, 2010

Volleyball Season - Preview

Jackie Robinson – This Iconic player was the first Black baseball player in the history of sports.
Lionel Conacher – Nicknamed “The Big Train”, is one of the top Canadian sportsman from early 90s.
Ian Bothom – An English cricket legend & current commentator, holds record for most test wickets by a English bowler.

What the heck are these guys doing rounds at UL Infy Blogs. By god, this is not an attempt to flourish the sports wisdom of UL folks, but rather to point out few (very very few) athletes in the entire history of sports who are famous as muti-sports specialists.

Jackie was a sports virtuoso, taking on every game, the likes of football, baseball, track, and basketball and competing at a high level in all of them.
Conacher made his name in history, excelling in Canadian football, ice hockey, lacrosse, baseball, boxing and wrestling.
Botham was a English league footballer before he made it to cricketing world.

Well.. though this list is so bare & short, it stands synonymous with UL Infy sports.
Yeah… we UL Infy don’t have any such scarcity when it comes to our sports history. Be it tennis, football, crickets or the latest fad volleyball, the lists of specialists, experts, masters, strategists, organizers, the list just grows large & wide.

A welcome break after the hectic tennis tournament, get set for another high-energy action – The volleyball tournament.

Starting altogether a new ball game (literally) last Thursday & oh boy it’s a sell out crowd even for the practice match. (I doubt if it was just the farewell cake that lured guys there.. but atleast I set the expectations right here !!)

So wait not.. Hit the ground today @ 5:15 for the very first match between Scorpions v/s Gators

A 3 match short tournament, (like a T-20 version of worldcup) the volleyball news & reports are gonna take rounds this place in coming week.

Stay tuned.. that's all for now Folks..

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tennis Season 2010 - Grand Finals

2010 Champion Rockers (Anbu & Mahesh)
2010 Runner-Up Glamour Brothers (Subin & Vipin)

For high quality videos please go to UL Infy Channel

Match: Grand Finale (Rockers v/s Glam Bros)
Will share a little secret today. I always drafts the match report of our matches one day ahead of our match. Not cause we are confident or sure about winning, but it gave us a drive to make it happen, to prove an intuition right :) 2 Times... 2 times in the entire tournament, had I changed the report after the match. I was never glad or happy about changing it, except for today one last time, when I feel so fine to be changing it, for I know the champs are the champs :)

Providing a fitting opening to the finals of an exciting tennis season, teams tied up at first set 6-6. Fighting for each points, each game, Glam bros & Rockers put up a spirited fight which went upto a tie breaker game (the only 2nd of its, in the entire tournament). Glam Bros took away the set 7-6 to take a lead in the match 1-0. What happens when you throw those Chinese rubber balls onto the walls ?? Well, it bounces back at you with much force & so do the real champs. For Rockers the match wasn’t over if one set was lost, until the last set was done, the last point was captured. And that when rockers made sure the next two sets belonged to no one else proved the point – the championship trophy of season-I UL Infy Tennis tournament belonged to no one else as well !!

Rockers won the finals against Glam Bros 6-7, 6-2, 6-3.

“We knew it was going to take a tough fight to snatch this tournament from Rockers. We tried our best (well not the best of best.. still..), but probably we need to get the fact what we really are, is the second best” said Subin for runners-up Glam Bros.

“I am happy (infact exhilarated), that we won this cup. Obviously remaining unbeaten throughout the tournament & losing out in final would’ve been much unfortunate. But more importantly this has been a wonderful tournament, so organized & so involved by you guys. I want to thank each & everyone of you for making this happen, especially Prasad for all the efforts he has put into this. A big applaud for all of you” Said Mahesh as he was handed over the winners trophy by Bday Lady & chief guest of the day Girija.

“Ive seen everyone over here is very enthusiastic about sports or for that matter any event. This was our effort to bring in all the people together to a same ground n have a nice time” said Prasad the tournament chairman, the low-profile version of Modi :)

Ok .. so before we end, a small note of thanks for UL Infy Tournament …

Thanks for bringing the geeks & freaks to the tennis courts actions,
Thanks for making my friends envy my trimming tummy,
Thanks for giving us an opportunity to trash & beat our bosses,
Above all, thanks for bringing back that childhood days, when we wait for 5 pm, the ring of final bell of school to run to the play ground !!

This is not an end.. but a beginning.. Action packed season in waiting… Watch out this space for more..
As for now.. good bye folks & thank you for tuning in.

Let the summer begin to simmer, then sizzle !!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Whirlyball Match

Tournament - Day 15

[Picture will be updated soon...]

While most people were out playing Whirlyball, a different game was being played at the Brighton court in Wheeling. Rockers Vs. AoP.

The final game before the final and the final game of the super 6 (phew! too many finals) was not the one sided affairs seen as yet with the Rockers dominating the game. AoP played with spirit and clinched the first set 7-5 creating history in the tournament and breaking the 'no-set lost' run for the Rockers. The Rockers came back though, and with panache. They beat AoP 6-4 and 7-5 in the next two sets to remain unbeaten in the tournament.
This ended the dead rubber match (result did not impact who would go into the finals). "At least this time we didn't go down without a fight" said Guru for AoP. While Mahesh for Rockers mentioned, "It's good to go into finals with practice for a 3 setter. This is the first time we have had to sweat for the win yet."
Just thought I'll help out with this report and keep the blog complete.

by Talat

Take a bow !!

Standing on the penultimate day of UL Infy tennis tournament, impatiently waiting to move into the grand finale, before we decide the winner, lets rewind back a bit & take a bow at the people who made this so possible, so entertaining & so memorable a time it was.

The talks would’ve just remained talks, the thoughts would’ve just remained thoughts and the sports would’ve just remained on papers (or on computer screens) hadn’t a person called Mr.Modi (sweetly pet named by us) took up the matters in his hand & this event. Hats off to you Prasad !!!
(makes a point for your resume [winks] )

More than just sports, this had been a fortnight of fun, frolic & fete The joyful ride it was, would’ve not been possible, hadn’t we got some awesome entertainers like our Anna, Kalesh, Deba, Joyan etc. A special thanks to you all for making this so fun filled.
[Anna … one treat is already pending.. this adds up]

Without even playing a game, without even touching the racket few had been keen followers & fans of this tournament. I can’t resist to pull in here the likes of Girija, our super cheerleaders Aldo & Krishnapriya, SK coach Rahul etc for their support, advices & criticism through out the tournament.
(Also thanks for those proxy votes on each poll Rahul)

The format of tournament eliminated few teams after stage 1, but it never eliminated their support, participation & enthusiasm for the tournament. Although time constraints and logicality devoid them a chance to compete again this season, they had been the greatest support, the mob & the voice of the tournament. Cheers to all of you Daring Strikers, I-90 Cops & Drunken Monks.

Sport is incomplete without the fight, the vigor, the spark & the competitiveness, which goes into it. As much fun it was, more thrill it had been. Although most of the teams started off amateurish, rusty & out of touch as the tournament moved ahead, the game grew on them and much more dedication, practice & preparations went in. (the preparations reminds us of only one team.. he he). The action on court grew more & more intense. We saw closest buddies off the court, fighting intensely on the court, all the while maintaining the sportsmanship & spirit of game.

Teams sometimes lost or even got trashed (no use mincing of words here), but still we saw the smiles at the end of match. We saw them shake hands & walk away putting hands on shoulder & discuss the Oracle / Lotus notes meeting for next day. That was the spirit, all teams displayed throughout the tournament.

Inspiring was those moments, you guys gave us. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts to Ace of Pace, Altimate Vikings, Kabhi In Kabhi Out, Super Kings (just alphabetical.. please don’t mind) for your unflinching zeal for the game and the fight you put up at every stage of the tournament.

Finally as we enter the d-Day , the heroes of the day, the better of the best, the unconquered Rockers & the chivalric Glam Bros clash against each other to decide the ultimate champs. Whoever wins the final day, doesn’t change this fact - you guys rocked it !!

Gossips, controversies, sledging, fireworks, war of words.. as like any tournament, had been a part of UL Infy tournament also. I need a whole day to articulate all, hence here we end this sweet & short journey on a happy note. Thanks you all once again for making this one of the memorable time in UL for all of us.

Ok.. ok.. before we end this last blog of the series.. For those of who already know the blogger, thanks for your support & for those of who have still difficulty figuring it out..
Its Me - none else :)

So be there at heritage park court tomorrow for finals (or atleast for Pizza party)
Ok.. Thats all folks.. Goodbye ..  God bless all !!

ps: Sorry if i missed someone. Please feel free to add it :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tournament - Day 14

“Rain Rain go away, Come again another day
Little Johnny wants to play !! “
…was the chant in UL Infy room all through the day and why not, when two of the most anticipated deciders were scheduled for the day. presented a bleak picture all through the day & there seemed no hope for any match to happen. Having spent a better part of day, permuting the finalists, the possibility of splitting points & ties started occurring through everyone’s mind. But seems like Zeus saw the passion we held for the game & put his flushing on hold …

Match 1 (Rockers v/s KIKO)
Eat your heart out for this one.. In the most thrilling upset of the tournament, super charged KIKO came from nowhere & beat the champions Rockers 6-0, 6-0

Are you shocked?? Then don’t be. This is a fake news !!
Actually a gluttonous-guilty-me typed this before the match, expecting some twist in KIKO’s tale, that they might bring in some change to their match report. So thought will put it anyway :)

Well the truth & the irrefutable fact is Rockers were too good for KIKO, as they made short work of the game beating KIKO 6-0, 6-1. Rockers thus stays unbeaten & enters the finals (or semis whichever) convincingly. Incidentally, KIKO ended super 6 with a clean sheet (5 matches, 5 loss). Nevertheless, the sportsmanship they displayed in every match was superb. Take a bow !!

“We are great touch & hope we keep this till the very end. We will not lose the focus & hope to win the tournament” Said Mahesh for Rockers.
“We tried our best, gave our best in every match. This was a disappointing tournament for us. We hope to come back much stronger next season” promised Prasad

Match 2 (Glam Bros v/s Ace of Pace)

Pre-Match: Do or die for AoP, after losing unexpectedly from SK, a must win situation to stay afloat. For Glam Bros its avoiding getting into any number games & entering straight to finals. AoP confident of the win they had at group stage, Glam Bros confident of the form they have been maintaining for last couple of matches.
At-Match: It was like AoP saved their worst for this day as they were mercilessly mauled over by Glam Bros. 6-0, 6-2 was the score of second outing of the two teams, who ironically provided one of best match of the tournament in that thrilling tournament opener.Today Glam Bros were in their bullish best and AoP simply had no answers. There were moments for AoP but were scarce & far apart for even calling it a fight.
Post-Match: “This was one of our worst outing. I know telling that we are not in our physical best is not an excuse for the loss, nevertheless we would’ve given better fight had we been in healthier shape.” Said Talat for AoP
“We are in good form & we want to win the tournament. We know there are really good teams to beat to win this, but we will be giving our best in final or semis which ever it is” Said Subin for Glam Bros.

Match 3 (Super Kings v/s Altimate Viking)
Although if no semifinals, this match had no relevance in the context of tournament, but for AV & SK fans, this was a decider. Same number of wins, same number of loss, win against same teams (KIKO & AoP), loss against same teams (Rockers & Glam Bros), almost same set win%. Going into a match, what more similarity can we ask for from two teams, who have played their heart out in this whole tournament?

But then match did not end up proving who was best, did not end up showing the better of the best, infact it did not end up itself :)
Result: Match abandoned due to rain
Rumored to be a tie & split points. Committee will confirm.

Well, for all the romanticism it possible entailed, there was never a better end than to finish this in a tie !!
Win or Lose, you both teams have already won the hearts & soul of friends & foes alike.

“We were in momentum, when rain interrupted the game. Would’ve loved to end this tournament on a high note. But never mind, cause being an underdogs, we have ended far higher than we expected” Said Anna for SK (& yeah if considered set % win they end up third in the super.)
“We were looking good in second set & would’ve been nice contest had we got a chance to complete the match. Cant do much about rain though” Said Vanshi (for a change) for AV.

That’s all for me folks.
This Journey is about to end in couple of days, but not before we have a grand finale (& Semis if any) & of course not before revealing the blogger in the last blog of the tournament tomorrow :)