General Rules

Tennis - General Rules

1. Winning team gets 2 points.
2. Team gets 1 point each if match is cancelled for any valid reasons (Work/Family).
3. Three Set Match
4. Score game 15-30-40-GAME. No-ad scoring will be used. (When a game becomes tied at deuce, next point wins the game. No advantage scoring.)
5. Switch sides after every set.
6. Start serves on the right side and then alternate sides.
7. One player serves throughout an entire game.
8. Sledging is strictly not allowed

Scoring a Tiebreak 

Volleyball - General Rules

1. Best of 3 sets match. The first team to score 25 points (and be two points ahead) awarded the set.
2. Rule changes enacted in 2000 include allowing serves in which the ball touches the net, as long as it goes over the net into the opponents' court.
3. A ball touching a boundary line is good
4. Maximum of three hits per side.
5. Player may not hit the ball twice in succession ( A block is not considered a hit ).
6. Players shall rotate in a clockwise manner [atleast for serve :) ]
7. 5 players per team should play. Player can be substitute at any point of time in the match.

Game Time (Strictly Non-Office Hours)

If a player knows they can’t make it to a match ahead of time, please contact the tournament director as soon as possible (at least 4 hours in advance) to reschedule the match if possible. Rescheduling would have to fit into the tournament format and not hold up other scheduled matches. We cannot guarantee matches can be rescheduled.


The team who wins the most matches wins the round-robin group. But what if two teams are tied with the most match victories? According to the U.S. Tennis Association, the winner of their head-to-head match wins. If three or more teams are tied, the referee or tournament director :) ranks players using the following criteria until no ties remain: head-to-head records in matches involving just the tied teams; percentage of sets won among all sets completed; If a tie remains, a random drawing determines the order of finish among remaining tied players.