Monday, April 26, 2010

Tournament Day 6

[pictures to come soon -- Unfortunately camera man was not available for the thriller matches]

On a windy evening today, when Vincent Gomez, a middle aged lawyer, driving his 2000 model Honda sedan, took a left turn on N Prindle ave, for a moment he thought there was some emergency in his locality, for he has never seen so many cars parked in the driveway, so many people in the tennis court opposite to his apartment, so much of excitement, so much buzz !!
Well.. cant blame him.. cos in his entire life, leave alone an IPL match he might’ve never watched a Indian gully cricket Istyles :)

What else can we expect when 3 most anticipated matches happen at same venue, when weather-trodden, delay-addicted, big-mouthed, tardy-beginners teams, all of it come together.. The party just begins!!!

Match 5 (I90 vs Ace of Pace)
Blue was the color of the match.. or was it black??

Finally weather took a days off on I 90 match day & the sky tuned blue,. Guru wore black t-shirt (as usual..) & for a change Joyan wore blue t-shirt.. But more importantly I 90 Cops were beaten black and blue :)

AP juggernaut continue to roll, into the super 6 with a convincing victory 6-2, 6-3.
“Well .. being in a tough group is always tough.. Never mind, there is always a season 2” quipped Joyan before quickly leaving the ground with Aldo to Arlington lake to cry out his defeat.
“We have arrived…” said a boisterous Talat (“well.. where do you think you were Talat?” we ask)

Match 6 (Kabhi In Kabhi Out v/s Daring Strikers)
Call it The Return Saga… Return of KIKO to the court.. Return of Arthi, from injury (on which by the way has a commission setup, to enquire on whose quotation did Ajay injure Arthi in basketball court). Anyway the new-bees has to wait a little more for super 6, as veteran KIKO beat them convincingly 6-2, 6-0.
KIKO did not show any signs of clumsiness of the long break and was by-far the better team today. Dheeraj shined in the victory for KIKO with some outstanding shots (standing outside the court). Ofcourse DS replied back with some wonderful outgoing shots as well :P
"The break was so refreshing & we are back 'In' now.." said Dheeraj for the winning side.
"This was just a warm up match.. there is so much more in our game that we just could not bring out today" Arthi commented for DS.

Match 7 (Altimate Vikings v/s Drunken Monks)
Bingo !!! Going into their first match, DM had everything against them. Jetlag of star player Kalesh. Deba’s unfamiliarity with his new accessories (sponsored by Nike). AVs family sentiments, for which a family-returned Kalesh had already fallen (read pre-match report) and the late start of the match (of course we know long-lived guys have trouble seeing in dark).

Up against the wall, DM was supposed to come up with the match of their life, & so they did, to just lose on a edge of seat thriller 6-2, 6-4 (did you smell a sarcasm here?). Not to take away any credit from dinner-paranoid AV, they did well & yet again stuck to basics of tennis. Other teams should definitely pluck a leaf from their neat game :P
"Its a nice feeling to be keep winning.. I just cant express the feeling of this wholesomeness." Said Ameya slowly patting his stomach.
"When & where is our next match??" asked Deba before quickly leaving the ground. Was it a hurry to finish off a losing cause or was it a challenge for upcoming match?

well.. we will know shortly. That was all for a loooong day...Another long day coming up..

But more importantly.. a reminder.. Controversies, quotes, online poll, match fixings.. all coming up soon. Stay tuned folks !!


Talat Ali said...

Weather forecast for next three days is perfect for tennis!
Wednesday - Clear skies high of 17 C
Thursday - Cloudy with high of 22 C
Friday - Cloudy with high of 24 C
That's it from the weatherman. Look Up!

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