Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tournament - Day 8

Calvin : “Dad.. what is meant by extended office?”
Dad pointed to Arlington heights tennis court & says “.. this is it.”
Calvin: “Isn't this just a bunch of crazy guys fooling around “
Dad: “you don’t see the fun there?

Calvin: “Nope I guess..”.. “Hobbes.. do you see any ?”
Hobbes: Nodes !!!
Dad: “Well, you gotta get into an office first, work your @$$ off for 8+ hours, hear all the cribs & screams from client, manage a whole load of people running 12 hrs ahead of you at other side of globe, then come out here in this chill weather, all of you together & fool around. Then you’ll realize whats fun in that”
Calvin: “err... that's too much of an effort for fun.. me & Hobbes have fun without all this as well”
Dad : “Because I pay for you”

Well … if any management guru (not our Guru) wanna pick a lesson for after office fun, then welcome to UL Infy tournament.
The Tournament takes a serious turn here.. Last match of group stage.

Match 9 (Super Kings v/s Drunken Monks)
Although the match did not stand up to it hype (which is nothing unusual), it had its moments of brilliance & fun. Super Kings wanting to prove their criticizers wrong about they are all just plans & no play. Drunken monks wanting to prove they are.. ahem ahem..[chuckling] good !! At the end of it all, Super Kings eased to Super six [huh.. its rhymes ] with a 6-2, 6-2 victory.
So there we have the super 6 line up complete. So the tournament off to a fun-filled start, & getting into some serious business in coming days !!

but hey wait.. super 6 has already started.. first match of super 6 on the next court..

Super Six (SS) Match 1 (KIKO v/s AV)
AV & KIKO kicked off a competitive super 6 stage with a fitting 3 set match. After first match of the tournament, this was the first 3 setter match (Is every stage supposed to start with a 3 set match ?). After AV took away a tough first set 7-5, KIKO came back strongly, with a game plan & got back the second set 6-2 (Did KIKO read the super 6 preview ? Guess they definitely took note of it atleast.). AV was quick to learn from their mistakes & did nothing wrong in third set winning it 6-2 & also the first match of Super 6, continuing their unbeaten run in the tournament.

Note: Just noticed a coincidence. AV stands for Altimate-Viking & Ameya-Vanshi as well. Was is really a co-incidence ??

Interesting matches lined up for the day. Rockers v/s Ace of pace. Both of them have not lost a match till now & today one of them will :)
Another match, Glam Bros v/s Super Kings: Muscle-Power clashes with Brain-Power.

That’s all folks. See you all on court !! Chalo Teek hai :)


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