Wednesday, May 12, 2010

~~ The Final Call ~~

Phew !! Infy Tennis tourney takes a break. Put your hair down n njoy some (useless) super 6 stats.

1# Of all the super 6 matches completed, only 36% matches saw the third set :)
(So if you wana come to watch a match, more often u can go home early)

2# Of all the 3 set matches, 75% times team winning first set won the match. It also means only 91% matches have the team winning first set win the match also.
(So Teams, win your first set.. else more chance you end up in losing side)

3# 26% of sets played had a 7th game set.
(hmm.. considering the competitiveness, we expected more)

4# 18% matches had it happened that team with match point lost the game.
(lol ..oh boy, nearly 20% times you are not safe even at the match point. So hold your celebrations till the final shot is done)

#4 Only 3.8% of sets were decided in a tie breaker.
(..and hence this illiteracy among players how a tie breaker is played)

#5 Rockers have never lost a set in super 6 (for that matter in whole tournament). & they are the only team to do so.
(Will someone be able to stop them)

Now some real numbers, for teams to plan their strategies & game plan …
Set Win % standing as of now
AV: 40%
AP: 50%
GB: 67%
KIKO: 11%
Rockers: 100%
SK: 44%

Say, there is no semi finals , & with three important matches to go now, here is how the chances stand

Rockers - Sure finalists (Even if they loose both matches)
AoP - Beating GB & Rockers (win one of them 2-0) will take them through to finals. Else GB will be in Finals
SK & AV - Virtually out. Can’t find any combination, which will see them through.
KIKO - Out

ps: There are another combinations, if Rockers lose to KIKO, which with all due respect, I’ve not considered

1. This is purely unofficial stats (based on published result & rules) & hence no guarantee if tournament committee has to follow this.
2. The stats are based on present standing, future matches possible points & win%. & please excuse me if there is some mistake :)
But watever this crap stats says, fun, gamesmanship, enthu is still 100%. All the very best for all the teams for the rest of the matches. Have a nice day folks :)


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