Friday, May 14, 2010

Tournament - Day 15

[Picture will be updated soon...]

While most people were out playing Whirlyball, a different game was being played at the Brighton court in Wheeling. Rockers Vs. AoP.

The final game before the final and the final game of the super 6 (phew! too many finals) was not the one sided affairs seen as yet with the Rockers dominating the game. AoP played with spirit and clinched the first set 7-5 creating history in the tournament and breaking the 'no-set lost' run for the Rockers. The Rockers came back though, and with panache. They beat AoP 6-4 and 7-5 in the next two sets to remain unbeaten in the tournament.
This ended the dead rubber match (result did not impact who would go into the finals). "At least this time we didn't go down without a fight" said Guru for AoP. While Mahesh for Rockers mentioned, "It's good to go into finals with practice for a 3 setter. This is the first time we have had to sweat for the win yet."
Just thought I'll help out with this report and keep the blog complete.

by Talat


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