Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tournament - Day 12

Warning: Nothing is working.. so for a change today, its a yuck report!
[skip the blog if corny humor is not your cup of tea. ]

SS match 6 (Glam Bros v/s Super Kings)

Mukku & Sarru, went up the hill,
To fetch a set from glamour..
Scores were tied, at second set,
But SK came trembling after
Says it all, the final scores,
Winners were, the glamour Bros.

Saranava Says..
“Might be their day, might be our day,
All we say, is Chalo teek hai”

Subin Comments
“Win was good, we are happy..
But loosing a set, was for sure crappy”

ps: GB won 6-4, 4-6, 6-0

SS Match 7 (KIKO v/s Ace of Pace)

Bah Bah KIKO have you any wins,
No sir no sir, 3 big loss.
One from the APs,
One from the kings,
And one from Glamour Bros,
Who lives in their dreams.
Tiny-winy, shots they might play,
But APs won the match of the day.

Dheeraj Says
“We fight with will, play for wins,
All we get is, safety pins”

Guru Says
“We are here, to take the cup,
Rest of you, please wake up”

ps: AP won 6-4, 6-2

SS Match 8 (Rockers v/s Altimate Vikings)

Twinkle Twinkle, mighty shots,
How I wonder, do they stop,
Up above the points table,
Fighting for a leader's label.
When Rockers hit those tweaky winners,
Ameya wished atleast a leaky dinner.
Five-Seven did A-Viking stand,
But Rockers today were, almighty brand.

Ameya Says
“Bad it was, to lose a thriller,
but good I dint throw away yesterday’s dinner”
Anbu Says
“Lost the grip at start, only to find it
We are still at top, everyone just mind it !!"

ps: Rockers won 7-5, 6-1

Please excuse me if you are feeling sick after reading this. Else before we end here we go folks...
Humpty dumpty sat on a wall,
News for day, that is all ;)


Ameya said...

'Unknown Match Reporter', this is ur best one so far.
My picks --
(a) Mukku & Sarru, went up the hill,
To fetch a set from glamour..
(b) Anbu Says
“Lost the grip at start, only to find it
We are still at top, everyone mind it !!"
Would have been more fun if Anbu was wearing lungi while saying this like Dhoni in CSK ad :)

UL Infy said...

Thankoo .. Thankoo.. Small correction in Anbu's lines .. chk it out :)

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