Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tennis Season 2010 - Grand Finals

2010 Champion Rockers (Anbu & Mahesh)
2010 Runner-Up Glamour Brothers (Subin & Vipin)

For high quality videos please go to UL Infy Channel

Match: Grand Finale (Rockers v/s Glam Bros)
Will share a little secret today. I always drafts the match report of our matches one day ahead of our match. Not cause we are confident or sure about winning, but it gave us a drive to make it happen, to prove an intuition right :) 2 Times... 2 times in the entire tournament, had I changed the report after the match. I was never glad or happy about changing it, except for today one last time, when I feel so fine to be changing it, for I know the champs are the champs :)

Providing a fitting opening to the finals of an exciting tennis season, teams tied up at first set 6-6. Fighting for each points, each game, Glam bros & Rockers put up a spirited fight which went upto a tie breaker game (the only 2nd of its, in the entire tournament). Glam Bros took away the set 7-6 to take a lead in the match 1-0. What happens when you throw those Chinese rubber balls onto the walls ?? Well, it bounces back at you with much force & so do the real champs. For Rockers the match wasn’t over if one set was lost, until the last set was done, the last point was captured. And that when rockers made sure the next two sets belonged to no one else proved the point – the championship trophy of season-I UL Infy Tennis tournament belonged to no one else as well !!

Rockers won the finals against Glam Bros 6-7, 6-2, 6-3.

“We knew it was going to take a tough fight to snatch this tournament from Rockers. We tried our best (well not the best of best.. still..), but probably we need to get the fact what we really are, is the second best” said Subin for runners-up Glam Bros.

“I am happy (infact exhilarated), that we won this cup. Obviously remaining unbeaten throughout the tournament & losing out in final would’ve been much unfortunate. But more importantly this has been a wonderful tournament, so organized & so involved by you guys. I want to thank each & everyone of you for making this happen, especially Prasad for all the efforts he has put into this. A big applaud for all of you” Said Mahesh as he was handed over the winners trophy by Bday Lady & chief guest of the day Girija.

“Ive seen everyone over here is very enthusiastic about sports or for that matter any event. This was our effort to bring in all the people together to a same ground n have a nice time” said Prasad the tournament chairman, the low-profile version of Modi :)

Ok .. so before we end, a small note of thanks for UL Infy Tournament …

Thanks for bringing the geeks & freaks to the tennis courts actions,
Thanks for making my friends envy my trimming tummy,
Thanks for giving us an opportunity to trash & beat our bosses,
Above all, thanks for bringing back that childhood days, when we wait for 5 pm, the ring of final bell of school to run to the play ground !!

This is not an end.. but a beginning.. Action packed season in waiting… Watch out this space for more..
As for now.. good bye folks & thank you for tuning in.

Let the summer begin to simmer, then sizzle !!!


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