Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tournament - Day 11

[Pictures will be posted soon]

While on a call, offshore gal says yaar, I think I caught fever”. A-surprised-me says “Leave office early at 6pm & get some rest.”
She smiles, chuckles & replies “No that’s ok. I am fine”

While at home my roomie says
“Dude, I think I caught fever. A-little-concerned-me says, “Take an early dinner & get some sleep”
He smiles, laughs & replies “No that’s ok. I am fine”

Girlfriend calls up to say
“Honey, I think I caught fever”. An-overly-concerned-me says, “Get an aspirin, go see a doc, take proper rest.”
She smiles, giggles & replies “No that’s ok. I am fine”
Just as I was wondering what the hell is this, she says” Its not aspirin-waala fever, its your UL Infy Tennis Fever” :)

Duh! After affecting 18 contenders, 10 support staff, seems like UL Infy Tennis fever has spread wide & far across, swaying the unshakable, hugging the untouchables. Crossing mountains, rivers, sea n continents, finally the fever has reached the other side of NBK UL building also. What else can explain the presence of even Maruti & family at a super Six match venue on day 11 :)

SS match 5 (Rockers v/s Super Kings)
When an In-form Rockers gets into mood, it’s a hard chance for any team these days. But with Super Kings the case is never so cut & dried, or so did Super Kings fans hoped. They flocked from near & far (even from other end of UL building) to watch Super Kings humbling Rockers.
But there was no twist in the tale, as Rockers, rocked the world of Super Kings to make a clean sheet 6-2. 6-0.
“We were not scheduled to play today, but did not want to lose the momentum we got from last game. So decided to play & it turned out a good day for us.” Said Mahesh

“If we play like we usually play in practice, we would even beat Federer, but don’t know in matches we hold back a bit.” Said an ever smiling Saravana ..
Win or loose you guys have a huge fan support.. So Rock On Super Kings :)

SS Match 7 (Glam Bros v/s KIKO)
KIKO seems to be lurching from crisis to crisis, as they yet again received a straight set defeat from Glam Bros 4-6, 0-6. Needing a win, both team started off with a competing first set, even tying up at 4-4 at one stage. But there was no looking back for Glam Bros after that as they took 8 sets straight to end KIKO’s misery.
This win was some tonic the off-color Glam Bro needed after an awful match against Rockers.
“We needed to win desperately & we are happy about the result. But I still think there is lot of improvement needed in our game if we have to even have an outside chance to take a poke at the championship” Said one of the Glam Bro Vipin
“No excuses for playing not-so-good, but the form we expected to pick up at super six stage is still very far from us. We will try to give our best in coming matches.” Said Prasad for KIKO, who now has 3 loses from 3 matches in Super Six & is virtually out of contention for the championship.

That’s all for the day folks. An off-court report series coming soon. So stay tuned.
Have a great day !!


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