Friday, May 14, 2010

Take a bow !!

Standing on the penultimate day of UL Infy tennis tournament, impatiently waiting to move into the grand finale, before we decide the winner, lets rewind back a bit & take a bow at the people who made this so possible, so entertaining & so memorable a time it was.

The talks would’ve just remained talks, the thoughts would’ve just remained thoughts and the sports would’ve just remained on papers (or on computer screens) hadn’t a person called Mr.Modi (sweetly pet named by us) took up the matters in his hand & this event. Hats off to you Prasad !!!
(makes a point for your resume [winks] )

More than just sports, this had been a fortnight of fun, frolic & fete The joyful ride it was, would’ve not been possible, hadn’t we got some awesome entertainers like our Anna, Kalesh, Deba, Joyan etc. A special thanks to you all for making this so fun filled.
[Anna … one treat is already pending.. this adds up]

Without even playing a game, without even touching the racket few had been keen followers & fans of this tournament. I can’t resist to pull in here the likes of Girija, our super cheerleaders Aldo & Krishnapriya, SK coach Rahul etc for their support, advices & criticism through out the tournament.
(Also thanks for those proxy votes on each poll Rahul)

The format of tournament eliminated few teams after stage 1, but it never eliminated their support, participation & enthusiasm for the tournament. Although time constraints and logicality devoid them a chance to compete again this season, they had been the greatest support, the mob & the voice of the tournament. Cheers to all of you Daring Strikers, I-90 Cops & Drunken Monks.

Sport is incomplete without the fight, the vigor, the spark & the competitiveness, which goes into it. As much fun it was, more thrill it had been. Although most of the teams started off amateurish, rusty & out of touch as the tournament moved ahead, the game grew on them and much more dedication, practice & preparations went in. (the preparations reminds us of only one team.. he he). The action on court grew more & more intense. We saw closest buddies off the court, fighting intensely on the court, all the while maintaining the sportsmanship & spirit of game.

Teams sometimes lost or even got trashed (no use mincing of words here), but still we saw the smiles at the end of match. We saw them shake hands & walk away putting hands on shoulder & discuss the Oracle / Lotus notes meeting for next day. That was the spirit, all teams displayed throughout the tournament.

Inspiring was those moments, you guys gave us. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts to Ace of Pace, Altimate Vikings, Kabhi In Kabhi Out, Super Kings (just alphabetical.. please don’t mind) for your unflinching zeal for the game and the fight you put up at every stage of the tournament.

Finally as we enter the d-Day , the heroes of the day, the better of the best, the unconquered Rockers & the chivalric Glam Bros clash against each other to decide the ultimate champs. Whoever wins the final day, doesn’t change this fact - you guys rocked it !!

Gossips, controversies, sledging, fireworks, war of words.. as like any tournament, had been a part of UL Infy tournament also. I need a whole day to articulate all, hence here we end this sweet & short journey on a happy note. Thanks you all once again for making this one of the memorable time in UL for all of us.

Ok.. ok.. before we end this last blog of the series.. For those of who already know the blogger, thanks for your support & for those of who have still difficulty figuring it out..
Its Me - none else :)

So be there at heritage park court tomorrow for finals (or atleast for Pizza party)
Ok.. Thats all folks.. Goodbye ..  God bless all !!

ps: Sorry if i missed someone. Please feel free to add it :)


Prasad said...

Hi Vipin

You are the best sports columnist :) You turned our blog to a virtual person. At least I didn't knew who the blogger till date. So I read blog as written by virtual person.

You have a very good skill in writing. Continue blogging on your interest. All the best.

Vipin Menon said...

Thank you for njoying n stuffs :)

VS said...

I just hav only one word to say....awesome!!! a fan for your write up...
- Girija

Suby said...

Mind-Blogging ! Good work G-Bro :)

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